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Thanks to some last minute plans I was given the chance to shoot Josh and Graham from Tokyo Police Club for Exclaim Magazine featuring Jagermeister. Since we didn’t have a lot of location choices and the weather was starting to roll in we decided to shoot it in the park behind my place. Not to shabby for […]
Working along side katkwan.com, we got some studio space for the afternoon and did some stuff for Tight-Knit Syria. Thanks to everyone who helped us out to get some sweet images!
Geoff and Sadie have been together as long as I can remember, and they are some of the best friends I have had. It was an honour to take their photos to celebrate their engagement, and I can’t wait for the wedding next year. Fuckin love you guys!
Went back to the hometown of sweet Port Colborne and had some impromptu shoots. Both turned out super sexy 😉 http://www.mixcloud.com/TechnoVikingDJ/valhallavolumes001/ https://www.facebook.com/kylebannerman.666